A suicide attempt (c.1890-1910).jpg

Aaron Botwick is an Assistant Professor of English at Hostos Community College.

He received his Ph.D. in English from The Graduate Center, CUNY.

His dissertation, "The Leap and the Gap: Writing Suicide in Modernist Britain," identifies a transformation in suicide discourse between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is particularly concerned with the multidirectional relationship between fictional suicide, the popular press, and early experiments in sociology and psychoanalysis.  Authors under consideration include Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, John Galsworthy, Ford Madox Ford, Émile Durkheim, Sabina Spielrein, Sigmund Freud, and D.H. Lawrence.

Aaron has been published in The D.H. Lawrence Review, The Harold Pinter Review, and Nabokov Studies.  In addition to modernism and suicide, his research interests include modern drama, Holocaust literature, and genre fiction.  He blogs about theater at scribicide.com.